Instantly inform all your clients with all your updates in the same time through notifications. Easily communicate with different market languages as the app is multilingual. Easily reach the nearest branch using Google Map and through advertising option in the mobile app, you will be able to manage the promotional images that will appear on the main page. Show all your products with their pictures and descriptions. instavdev’s team works to develop Android & IOS apps to create innovative and dynamic mobile apps. our team has been able to feature some of the best apps on Google Play & Apple Store.
By Mobile Application you will be able to connect with your clients through your application. The users will be able to share products or services, locations, etc. on their Facebook, WhatsApp, and other social media platform with their friends. Keep your employees informed & notified when any information needs to be broadcasted by scope of work, place or group. Manage your entity activities. Manage your employees profiles. Sales force management .
Gather all information about your idea and how to implement it perfectly
We start by sketching our ideas to make sure that they will exceed clients' vision
Design comes next while confirming with client so we can take further steps
Developing our way to achieve every requirement client has confirmed
Testing and making sure that everything has been built perfectly
Delivering project & adding the client to our happy customers list